Friday, August 23, 2019

Ethical issue Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words

Ethical issue - Dissertation Example Carbon offsetting and biodiversity offsetting are two examples of ways in which business can help with efforts to reverse damage to environment and society. However, because many avenues and opportunities are available for business to ignore the longer-term in favour of short-term interests, including profiteering, copyright and patent infringement, unfair trading and a neglect of product safety etc. a need exists for a broader examination of issues. The research presented suggests that although a sincere emphasis on corporate social responsibility will mitigate occasional and inadvertent harm to environment and society, a sustained record remains the key and it is unlikely that any business can continue to inflict harm on the environment and society without losing on the longer term. Declaration I certify that, except where cited in the text, this work is the result of research carried out by the author of this study. _____________________________________________ Name and Signature of Author May 2011 This write - up is for a dissertation on the impact of corporate Social responsibility on corporate irresponsibility and reputation. ... Sinners 10 2.3 Philanthropy and Strategic Giving as Corporate Social Responsibility 12 2.4 Deception for Corporate Social Responsibility 15 2.5 Significance of a Decent Historical Record of Adherence to Corporate Social Responsibility 17 2.6 Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Clients, Customers and Consumers 19 2.7 The Impact of Size 19 2.8 Corporate Social Performance 20 2.9 Carbon Offsetting and Biodiversity Offsets as Examples of Contributions for Corporate Social Responsibility 21 2.10 Conclusions about the Mitigating Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility 22 Chapter 3 Research Approach and Methodology 24 3.1 General approach 25 3.2 Methodology Framework 28 3.3 Secondary Research 30 3.4 Interpretation and Application of Results and Findings 31 Chapter 4 Analysis, Findings and Reflections 32 4.1 Analysis of CSR Indices, Publications and Case Studies 33 4.1.1 BP Deepwater Horizon Case Study 34 4.1.2 ExxonMobil Case Study 36 4.1.3 Toyota Prius Case Study 37 4.2 Observat ions Derived from Research 39 4.3 Reflection 39 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 42 Bibliography/ References 45 List of Figures Figure 1: Maximising the Value Accrued from Philanthropy 14 (This page intentionally left blank) Chapter 1 – Introduction Now more than ever, contemporary society expects sustainability, responsibility and sensitivity to societal needs from companies and this challenges business to go beyond the predominantly economic view to take into account the wider context (Morschett, 2010, Pp. 221 – 222). The new normative perspective for companies now includes due regard for the environment, care in the use of resources including water, primary materials, energy etc. and issues related to human rights, transparency, child labour and sustainability. However,

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